
The Mosqouit Coast

     This is a famous movie. It is about an inventor who takes his wife and child and moves to an uncharted land. The inventor's name is Arthur. He had great talent, but he could not use it well and could not get along with others. He was also a lousy father, selfishly involving his wife and children. However, no matter how lousy a parent he was, he was still the only parent the child had, and the story made me feel the conflict of not being able to abandon him.


      I read the book name of "Macbeth". This story is so cruel that there is even a legend that if you say the word "Macbeth", something unfortunate will happen to you. The author is a very famous English poet, Shakespeare. Macbeth, a Scottish warlord, meets three witches in the forest. They make a prophecy that he will become king, and he does become king as predicted. The meaningful words of the witches appear several times in the work. I have read several of Shakespeare's stories in class, and I have always found them interesting because of their unique expressions. I thought it was very interesting to read such contradictory words as "clean is dirty, dirty is clean" in this story. In fact, these words are about human desires.

      This work is one of Shakespeare's four tragedies, and since I have already read King Lear, I would like to read the other two.


JACK and the Westbourne Fair

      Today, I read the book named of "JACK and the Westbourne Fair ". The main character of this book is a boy named Jack.  Jack often has problems at school and is scolded by his teacher and his parents. The story focuses on the Westbourne Fair, which takes place every Tuesday night in April. It was his favorite moment of the year. He wasn't allowed his parents to go to the fair, but he decided to act on his own and go to the fair. The boy who learned various things there was very brave and courageous. I also realized that it is not good to assume that a child who does bad things has some cause and often causes problems.



      Today, I read the book of "PRIMARY COLORS". A story about the slave ship "Amistad" equipped with black slaves, and the main character who was one of the slaves playing an active role in winning freedom in the United States.  

It's a famous movie made by Steven Spielberg based on a true story, but I was very impressed when I read it for the first time.   

I was able to get courage from the activity of the hero and also felt the cruelty of the slave. 

It was difficult to understand because it included the political content of the United States.  

I thought it would be good to have some knowledge about the presidential election. 

There were some parts that were difficult to understand from the text alone, so I definitely wanted to see a movie.

Gone with the Wind part one.

      Today, I read the book named of "Gone with the Wind part one". Gone with the Wind is the best-selling novel of all time. 

In Part I, the beautiful Scarlett O'Hara learns that Ashley Wilkes, the man she loves in secret, is going to marry another woman. 

Even the terrible American Civil War is nothing compared to Scarlett's broken heart. But one man knows her secret, the handsome and dangerous Rhett Butler - and he wants her for himself.


Mowgli's Brothers

      Today, I read the book of "Mowgli's Brothers". This is the story of a couple of wolves living in the jungle and their children. Then, an animal called Jackal comes over there. I heard the jackal for the first time. It is a canine, much like a wolf. There were many animals in the jungle, and some were difficult to survive due to a weak and strong diet. Such a jungle story is wild and gives us a sense of the richness of nature and teaches us the difficulty of living in the wild. The book said, "In the jungle, all animals are forbidden to eat humans, because humans are the weakest and most vulnerable of all living things." Just as there are many rules in the human world, there seem to be many rules in the jungle as well. I read this book and felt the strength and kindness of the animals. I also felt that animals and humans are desperate to protect their children.


Zadie's Big Day

   Zadie is the best soccer player on the school team.  

Not only that, he is also a good skater. 

He is practicing in the park with his friends. 

He tries to win both football and skaters. 

His hard work, still young, gave me a lot of hope.  

It's a very nice work, so I want everyone to read it.

The Mosqouit Coast

       This is a famous movie. It is about an inventor who takes his wife and child and moves to an uncharted land. The inventor's name ...